Monday, December 28, 2009

Amy Winehouse named Artest of the year

Yes its true.....or is it?
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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tweet from: @Fozziebare

From: @Fozziebare
Sent: Dec 26, 2009 12:05p

Sometimes I wonder if Dolly Parton knows how awesome she is. Then I realize, yea. She does. She totally does.

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Tweet from: @CitizenKurt

From: @CitizenKurt
Sent: Dec 26, 2009 12:06p

when u respect yourself, someone elses disrespectful behavior will not be about you, it will be about them

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tweet from: @eliroth

From: @eliroth
Sent: Dec 19, 2009 12:25p

Overheard @ dinner last night... ANGRY COLLEGE GIRL: "Megan Fox is so dumb! She's, like, a total disgracement to women!"

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Tweet from: @StevieFierce

From: @StevieFierce
Sent: Dec 19, 2009 11:23a

I can't wait for Christmas morning, i'm rollerskating around the house in my spidey briefs now damnit!

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Tweet from: @coleescola

From: @coleescola
Sent: Dec 19, 2009 10:16a

Wish I could have lunch with Angela Lansbury.

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Tweet from: @HunxandhisPunx

From: @HunxandhisPunx
Sent: Dec 19, 2009 1:08a

It's weird to meet with real vampires I kinda think they are staking their territory ------- MOI

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Tweet from: @coleescola

From: @coleescola
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 11:18p

I decided that instead of making out with a guy I wanted to go to the deli for a burrito, nachos, and a candy bar. #IamAmerica

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Tweet from: @WhitneyCummings

From: @WhitneyCummings
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 10:57p

First rule of fight club: do not join the mickey mouse club.

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Tweet from: @coleescola

From: @coleescola
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 10:18p

Is it worth going back out just to find someone to make out with? Where's Norah Ephron when you need her!!!!

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Tweet from: @One_Bloody_Poet

From: @One_Bloody_Poet
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 9:31p

People are surprised that "Avatar" lacked story? People are so funny.

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Tweet from: @coleescola

From: @coleescola
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 9:02p

Walking through the park, just passed a guy who looked like Jesus selling drugs to a guy who looked like whiskey.

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Tweet from: @PaganVixen

From: @PaganVixen
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 8:58p

I am going to sneak into the kitchen and use baking cookies as a ploy to avoid adorable little puppy movies. ::shudder::

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Tweet from: @HunxandhisPunx

From: @HunxandhisPunx
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 8:34p


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Tweet from: @alanpereira

From: @alanpereira
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 8:23p

I have nothing to offer but sex. And this lovely basket of cookies. Nice....

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Tweet from: @theteganandsara

From: @theteganandsara
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 8:04p

"tegan, mom just referred to her deck display as a "christmas cornucopia. its some grey gardens shit over here". - skq to trq moments ago.

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Tweet from: @egheitasean

From: @egheitasean
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 8:00p

Watching "Freaks" (1932)... One of us! One of us! One of us! #fb

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Tweet from: @AlecMapa

From: @AlecMapa
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 7:49p

Never ask Does this Make me look fat ?Or , Do I Smell?Trust me on this one.

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Tweet from: @CitizenKurt

From: @CitizenKurt
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 7:45p

Life is short eat dessert first.. Damn, I forgot about that.

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Tweet from: @Mykale007

From: @Mykale007
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 7:37p

I wanna be like AT&T and reach out and touch someone!!!! ;-)

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Tweet from: @wolfman1360

From: @wolfman1360
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 7:25p

If I did snuggle with someone, I'd be sad I couldn't look deep into their eyes to see the expression in them. #justsayin

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Tweet from: @Ae_Boytoy

From: @Ae_Boytoy
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 7:15p

Sometimes fantasy is better then reality. Too true

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Tweet from: @BearBKK

From: @BearBKK
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 7:11p

Perfect gift for all dogs this Xmas: the @QueerMunky chew toy.

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Tweet from: @Mykale007

From: @Mykale007
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 7:00p

I'm NOT gay.......I'm just heterosexually challenged!!!!! lmfao

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Tweet from: @Dykadellic

From: @Dykadellic
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 12:49p

Monkey's are the best animals in the world.

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Tweet from: @AlecMapa

From: @AlecMapa
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 8:44a

Lady GaGa is just like you and I . She puts on her mirror ball hula hoop pants one leg at a time.

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Tweet from: @eastvillageboys

From: @eastvillageboys
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 7:23a

Funny how some people consider "cocksucker" an insult. Weird.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tweet from: @CitizenKurt

From: @CitizenKurt
Sent: Dec 17, 2009 5:01p

RT @jasunhicks: Forgiveness is the best remedy for any injury. - unknown

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Tweet from: @tophersterling

From: @tophersterling
Sent: Dec 17, 2009 5:02p

I wanna taste the rainbow!!! :-9

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Tweet from: @GaryJBusey

From: @GaryJBusey
Sent: Dec 17, 2009 12:55p

Interventions would be a lot more fun if they had an open bar.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tweet from: @SklarBrothers

From: @SklarBrothers
Sent: Dec 17, 2009 12:05a

Getting into a relationship with Michael Lohan is like getting into a car with Lindsey. At some point your life will be threatened.

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Tweet from: @CitizenKurt

From: @CitizenKurt
Sent: Dec 16, 2009 5:52p

Im a virus, & right now as you read this i am having sex with your mind & you are enjoying it, i know this because you are smiling right now

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Tweet from: @preciousweapons

From: @preciousweapons
Sent: Dec 14, 2009 10:23p - Sometimes I just take a pic of myself to see if I need a touch up before going to watch GaGa.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tweet from: @darthvader

From: @darthvader
Sent: Dec 12, 2009 11:55a

Funny thing about that deal I made with Calrissian... it was never notarized.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Tweet from: @LoniLove

From: @LoniLove
Sent: Dec 11, 2009 5:51p

Tiger Woods is taking a break from didn't take a 9 iron to beat took 9 women...

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tweet from: @MichaelParisi

From: @MichaelParisi
Sent: Dec 9, 2009 3:01p

When life gets tough, just remember: You were the strongest sperm!!

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

VIDEO: Why Amanda Palmer Rocks!

So Punk-Cabaret musician Amanda Palmer has kidnapped my attention once again with 3 videos recently posted on her you tube channel. You can view more videos at or follow her exploits on but for now enjoy these three videos:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?

So hard. Either New Orleans, New York City, or spend some time in SF.

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

What would your perfect day look like?

Either getting lost in San Francisco or a picnic in the red woods. Or maybe a day at the beach sunning and lounging. all seem very nice!

Ask me anything

If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?

i think McDonalds french fries. Micky D's is very gross but i can never really get over their fries! so yummy! as long as they dont over salt them

Ask me anything

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tweet from: @ebertchicago

From: @ebertchicago
Sent: Nov 9, 2009 4:46p

@diablocody I just discovered moisturizer that smells exactly like an alternative bookstore.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Tweet from: @QueerMonkeyX

From: @QueerMonkeyX
Sent: Nov 6, 2009 11:11a

i may lose sleep over the fact that im thinking of forgiving Jon Gosslin....

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

To Move Forward We Must Look In

Hello! My name is Jaron Sean Louis-Kie. I am twenty years old, Native American, From New Mexico. I am the son of William & Kristina. The grandson of Gerald & Betsy and Gilbert & Patricia. I am also happily coupled with a man I'm proud to call love named Jessie Staicoff. My Native name is Mieedge which means Hummingbird and my other name is Dahwatche which means moon. I belong to the clan families of Big Turkey and Little Parrot. I have been openly gay since I was 13 yo.

That is part of who I am. Recently the gay community has been fighting several fights to keep our community strong and protect our human rights. One component however I feel has been missing is personality. We can tell people how we are their neighbors, friends, teachers, coworkers, etc. But those people come and go in our lives.

We need to make sure that the fighting we do for our rights... Still has that human component. I am more then just gay. We have pushed that point down their throats for years now....but who are you besides gay. Once they, once you can say that you are MORE then gay... The fight will end. So. I have told you and myself who I am. tell me and yourself who you are. Be more then just gay. Be HUMAN.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Spoils of Youth or Why Adults miss childhood

In Passing I overheard a conversation of adults talking about missing their young days and how kids today have it easier to develop into adults. Well as a New Adult still somewhat exiting that stage of childhood....kinda..... I'm here to tell you it really isnt that easy. Technologically it is easier for us to keep in contact or connect with others but that does not make it easier to deal with several issues the peg the "spoiled youth" adults mostly talk about. I am a youth advocate but i can only give you general ideas on what youth face today (Suicide, Depression, Family, Relationships. Sexuality, etc.) to truly understand what a teenager you know is going through...ask! The problem with families today is the lack of communication between its members especially the breakdown of adult/youth.
Adults-Kidswant to be you with more fun
Youth-Listen To Adults...seriously most of them arn't just talking outta their asses like you think

Youth need more role models who arn't hopped up on Steroids or Cheating on thier spouces while defending the "Sanctity of Marriage"

Youth need role models like Megan Fox:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Time To Dump some videos I enjoy or love!

Blonds Have More Fun, But Have To Work harder!

As a dark haired boy (often referred to as "Raven Haired") I've sometimes wondered or dabbled in changing my hair color to add a little variety. One time for a very BRIEF amount of time i went bleach blond. Now everyone knows the jokes and stigmas attached to being a blond despite their being many famous beautiful blonds through out history; but I'm here to tell you its hard being a blond!

First of all your expected to be bouncy and perky 24/7 and I AM NOT BOUNCY AND PERKY!!! Second your supposed to go to law school and i am not a legal eagle by any chance! third boys kept writing my name and phone number in the bathroom stalls saying "For A Good Time..."WTF?!?

But honestly in observing people I've noticed that being blond is not all its cracked up too be. You have certain expectations that... from what I've noticed... need to be lived up too.
-Attractive/muscular/jock Boyfriend (Fun to look at but not to date)
-Hot sexy barbie doll body (Anorexia is not for me and Bulimia is so 1980's!)
-Air headedness (i can read books higher then the level of Cosmo)
-A "Spunky" Attitude (i like being happy and enjoying life but "spunky" will never be a word used to describe me)

Obviously I don't mean this for all blonds. I know several smart beautiful blonds who are amazing. but these are what i would call "Mainstream Blonds" Primarily found in California, New York, Florida, or Boston.

I enjoy having dark hair but because i have dark medium wispy hair (I'm keeping it this way as long as the Huzzby keeps complementing it!) I'm often seen as "Emo" or "Dull." Those who know me i am only on occasionally Emo or Dull. I can't imagine being blond. Life is stressful as it is... i don't need added stress.


Monday, July 13, 2009

We intrrupt this prrgram already in prgress to increase dramatic tension!

so i was walking down the street the other day and noticed this horiblly hilarious sign that belongs to a closed down bar. Idk if it was their intention to do so but it was funnny take a look:

and the sign was totally decieving cause i walked down there and all i found were 3 mexicans to land scape work... i was pissed.

Hmmm...its pretty quiet right now...i think i might listen to some music. BUT WHAT TO LISTEN TOO?

If i talk or ask direct questions to my readers is that like on tv when they "Break the 4th wall"
How much does it cost to break the fourth wall cause im on a budget here!

Sally field once gave me a salt water taffy once... it was old.

Gone with the wind is like totally over rated...everybody is getting into "I Know Who Killed Me"

I remember being a suspect in the Jean Benniet Ramsey Case.... No comment


Hmmm....Whatever DID happen to baby jane?


oh crap.. im tired... heres the end...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dreamers Dreaming of Deams since Dreamt

Often times as children...we are told to dream. I remember being young (even though I am still such) and being told that life has untold opportunities and we should grab a hold of them whilst we can. For those of us who grew up in BIA (Government) Reservation run schools there was no funding for us to dream but it didn’t stop a few of us from trying. All through out school I dreamed of being on stage or in films. I would walk around reciting monologues and one liners from films or plays; I even remember my name being the first name on the sign up list for the Drama club. As one enters high school we are not told to dream anymore... we are told to Sit down, shut up, learn, and pass the test. Or in my high school you were told by a very bitter math/science teacher that we will never amount to anything besides rez kids stuck where we are to have babies, live at home, and die.

Scary thing...some people look up and listen to that teacher....*Shutter*

Towards the end of high school we are then told to think about what we want to do for the rest of our lives we are then instructed to think back to what we wanted to be as a child. The problem is that we have forgotten to not only dream, but what those dreams were. Did we want to be a Police man, a firefighter, Astronaut, President, etc.

Then at the end of high school with the Diploma firmly grasped in our hands listening to a speaker telling us how HS was the most inspiring and to cherish our classmates (to which I replied "Shhaaa...Later Bitches glad I never have to see most of you ever again!" bitter much?).

(hmmm....where is this blog going...imp confused...AND I'M WRITING THE DAMN THING!)

Literally the second after graduation we are ask "So Whets Next?"
College: "For What?" Work: "Where? and what about college?" Party: "Where? I'll Bring the Booze! What about College?"

So I guess in making this post I feel like I’ve lead up to some huge moment of truth that I’m probably not going to pay up on cause I’m just rambling like a crazy monkey... but I do want to say: Don’t stop dreaming. Over the years we stop reaching for the stars because we learn that a star is a billion years away and by the time it takes the light to reach us its a dead star anyways. NO! That’s not the point...the point is it never hurts to keep reaching. The World is filled with horrible truth but amazing wonder at the same time and that should never Deter us from dreaming. As a pregnant teenager once sarcastically put but I reiterate with much less sarcasm and more instruction "WOAH! DREAM BIG!"

And parents...keep your kids dreaming. that’s the most important thing any parent can pass down to their kids.


Dangerously Monkey

Well this is going to be my seperate blog from my normal myspace stuff. idk why i needed one i just felt like it. so BLAH! Dangerously Monkey is going to be where i peel the banana and let everyone in on what goes on in my primate mind. so caution i may get a little...Liberated...but if you don't like it then in the immortal words of Whitney Houston "KISS MY ASS!"
